This photo was taken last week at the very end of tray 9. I know I am setting a very bad exaple being drunk with my trays in and my boyfriend haha but WOW look at my progress. This photo was a real eye opener because looking back from when I started my smile is so different , I'm sooo happy with invisalign so far. Because you are looking at your teeth day in day out I didn't notice how good the had got!
This is a personal blog of my experience with invisalign; for me to keep track of my progress and for others to learn about the process. I'm sure its going to be an interesting journey...

Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Tray 8 XD
Hiiii here are some photos from tray 8 as you will be able to see my teeth almost all stand upright now but maybe look more pushed out. This isn't unplanned check out my clincheck they are having to push my teeth out to pull forward my problem tooth then they will all get pushed back again........ I can't wait..... so far so good :D xxxxx And they have never been whiter!! haha I'm going to look like Simon Cowell after they whiten them for me at the end haha!!
Ahhhhh don't look up my nose! haha |
Bit of a scary picture of me straight after work but shows all my teeth :D!!! |
You wouldn't think I have 13 attachments would you! |
Thursday, 6 October 2011
ok sooo sorry for not posting sooner but progress is gradual ... aka slow. Don't get me wrong I am over the moon so far though. Tray six went in last night and yes it is a bit snug again but that uncomfortable-ness means its working right :D!
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Tray 5 and IPR
Ok this is a brief post to let you know where I am up to in my treatment, I promise I will get some photos up soon because there has been some minor visible changes within these first 5 sets.
I was dreading IPR because it was the only thing new to experience from the invisalign journey. Honesty it was fine, no pain, no bleeding my ortho used the electric shaving machine reminded me very much of the little nail buffers /sanders you get. Very quick and easy more to come in the future but really not worried at all now.
At my last oppointment my Ortho has given me trays 6,7,8,9 & 10 !!! which takes me up to 1st December
Looking at tray 10 which is only 1/3 of the way into my treatment it is brilliant! I am so excited to get to this point and be able to see more progress.
Apart from slight inconveniences at food times in public I love invisalign!
I was dreading IPR because it was the only thing new to experience from the invisalign journey. Honesty it was fine, no pain, no bleeding my ortho used the electric shaving machine reminded me very much of the little nail buffers /sanders you get. Very quick and easy more to come in the future but really not worried at all now.
At my last oppointment my Ortho has given me trays 6,7,8,9 & 10 !!! which takes me up to 1st December
Looking at tray 10 which is only 1/3 of the way into my treatment it is brilliant! I am so excited to get to this point and be able to see more progress.
Apart from slight inconveniences at food times in public I love invisalign!
Monday, 1 August 2011
my tip to getting used to the trays ...... sing!!
ok I was a bit worried that my speech was not as clear as it could be so I sang a few songs to practice my pronunciation .... my S's are still a bit lispy but it has definitely improved it and what can you expect when all your teeth are surrounded in plastic.
Here is me attempting owl city's- vanilla twilight wearing my 1st set of trays laugh at it enjoy it join in what ever you like :D
Here is me attempting owl city's- vanilla twilight wearing my 1st set of trays laugh at it enjoy it join in what ever you like :D
Saturday, 30 July 2011
photos and updated 30/07/11
Still liking my invisalign already can feel they have shifted as i can now floss between all of my teeth quite normally :D! oh and it says on my trays 35U 28L
However I have already lost an attachment 2nd day in I have emailed my ortho because the practice is shut until monday.(no reply yet) She did say not to panic when she was putting them on as it was likley to happen having 13 but still id rather it was there like its supposed to be...
Here are some photos to start the journey off will put some more up in a few trays time see if we can see any difference :D
However I have already lost an attachment 2nd day in I have emailed my ortho because the practice is shut until monday.(no reply yet) She did say not to panic when she was putting them on as it was likley to happen having 13 but still id rather it was there like its supposed to be...
Here are some photos to start the journey off will put some more up in a few trays time see if we can see any difference :D
Me wearing my invisalign
(these are phtotos of my 2nd trays which are very similar as I can't be faffed with taking out my tray 1s I have just put them back in after lunch lol )
Thursday, 28 July 2011
I finally got my invisalign fitted 13 attachments!
So far i'm finding them fine just bizarre having something constantly in your mouth. Haven't tried taking them out yet as i'm at work, no one has asked yet even though someone did ask me to repeat my self on the phone but come on only had them in an hour lisp not really there getting easier and easier every time I speak.
I have to go back to get tray 3 in 4 weeks time
I will let you all know how my attempt to remove them goes later and put some pics up also my boyfriends opinion lol... there not that bad I was expecting them to be really weird with 13 attachments right across front top teeth but I think there ok and its only for a year and a half
So far i'm finding them fine just bizarre having something constantly in your mouth. Haven't tried taking them out yet as i'm at work, no one has asked yet even though someone did ask me to repeat my self on the phone but come on only had them in an hour lisp not really there getting easier and easier every time I speak.
I have to go back to get tray 3 in 4 weeks time
I will let you all know how my attempt to remove them goes later and put some pics up also my boyfriends opinion lol... there not that bad I was expecting them to be really weird with 13 attachments right across front top teeth but I think there ok and its only for a year and a half
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Ok so you would be thinking now that its the 19-Jul-11 I would be wearing my invisalign. You would be wrong the trays where delayed 1 week in the post however I was lacking any transport the following week to book an appointment so role on the 28th July .... Just want to get started soooo bad!!! :D haha
keep you posted
vix x
keep you posted
vix x
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
2 days until trays! .... ahhhhh
Ok so according to my ortho I will have 35 trays U/L even though my lowers will finish earlier the remaining trays will just hold them in place, which will be around year and a half maybe longer depending on refinements .. hopefully finishing around my 21st birthday next November!!!
woohoo soo I have quite a few trays and a lot of attachments to come.... 13 in total ahh but im soo excited sure it will be worth it in the end!!
vix x
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Friday, 10 June 2011
Impressions 09/06/2011
One step closer now to starting invisalign.
The impressions went really well. They started off by taking lots of photos from different angles which where mostly fine apart from the ones with the mirror in your mouth .... *I have a small mouth* the mirror was to wide!! haha
Impressions them selves went really quickly top one needed doing twice but was a breeze, bottom one only took one go but was slightly less comfortable my tongue felt like it was getting in the way...
But never mind done now go back in 2 and 1/2 weeks for clincheck video review woohoooo time to see the finished result haha virtually of course. Then hopefully trays will be here later in July!! yay Looking forward to knowing exactly how many trays i need but my approximate time is just under a year !
This is great because I was put off braces when at school 1 because I hated the idea of having something permanently stuck to your teeth that had to be tightend. 2 I would have had to have 4 teeth taken out. 3 It was going to take 3 years on the nhs waiting list then about 2 years to complete treatment....
Invisalign ortho says I have a less teeth than most "none of my back wisdom teeth are there". No teeth are going to need removing nothing is going to be physically tightend whilst stuck to my teeth and its going to take under a year ... to date i couldnt recomend invisalign more.. lets see what my opinion is when im actually wearing them right haha
x Vix
The impressions went really well. They started off by taking lots of photos from different angles which where mostly fine apart from the ones with the mirror in your mouth .... *I have a small mouth* the mirror was to wide!! haha
Impressions them selves went really quickly top one needed doing twice but was a breeze, bottom one only took one go but was slightly less comfortable my tongue felt like it was getting in the way...
But never mind done now go back in 2 and 1/2 weeks for clincheck video review woohoooo time to see the finished result haha virtually of course. Then hopefully trays will be here later in July!! yay Looking forward to knowing exactly how many trays i need but my approximate time is just under a year !
This is great because I was put off braces when at school 1 because I hated the idea of having something permanently stuck to your teeth that had to be tightend. 2 I would have had to have 4 teeth taken out. 3 It was going to take 3 years on the nhs waiting list then about 2 years to complete treatment....
Invisalign ortho says I have a less teeth than most "none of my back wisdom teeth are there". No teeth are going to need removing nothing is going to be physically tightend whilst stuck to my teeth and its going to take under a year ... to date i couldnt recomend invisalign more.. lets see what my opinion is when im actually wearing them right haha
x Vix
Thursday, 5 May 2011
The Journey Begins ... No.1
Ok so i'm Vix, I'm 19 and from the North East UK. I have been looking into braces for a long time now however due to my absolute fear of the dentist (at 14 I was told I would need 4 teeth removing for normal fixed braces) and the rather outrageous cost I have always put off any form of treatment. But the long for a nice smile and my curiosity into invisalign has got the better of me.
I read up on the technique of Invisalign and how it works to straighten your teeth. Although the official invisalign site explains technically what goes on these two forums where the best for understanding peoples personal experiences : and
On the 21/04/2011 I went for a FREE initial consultation at a private dental practice where I found out I would be a prefect candidate.. you see Invisalign WILL NOT WORK FOR EVERYBODY you must be seen by a specialist before you get your hopes up. I have moderate over crowding with one tooth on top pushed quite far back out of line which I knew as I've lived with it forever but I also found out that all of my teeth tilt slightly inwards so it will create space as the invisalign trays pull them back up to a perpendicular position. The prices at my practice are £3000 for invisalign lite or in my case because I will have more than 10 trays £3600 This is a huge amount but it will improve my confidence greatly as at the moment my friends and facebook rarely see teeth in my smile :) I HATE THEM
Aproximate treatment time under 1 year, more precise times to come after my Clincheck video is made!
I go for my impressions on the 9/6/2011, I wanted to do this earlier however my dentist only works late on a thursday and I work 9-5 all week so no other option. Plus I needed to sort a personal loan out with my bank because honestly who has that much money to pull out in a lump some eyy ? lol
Speak soon! X vix
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