I read up on the technique of Invisalign and how it works to straighten your teeth. Although the official invisalign site explains technically what goes on these two forums where the best for understanding peoples personal experiences : http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=19 and http://www.bracesreview.com/forums/invisalign/
On the 21/04/2011 I went for a FREE initial consultation at a private dental practice where I found out I would be a prefect candidate.. you see Invisalign WILL NOT WORK FOR EVERYBODY you must be seen by a specialist before you get your hopes up. I have moderate over crowding with one tooth on top pushed quite far back out of line which I knew as I've lived with it forever but I also found out that all of my teeth tilt slightly inwards so it will create space as the invisalign trays pull them back up to a perpendicular position. The prices at my practice are £3000 for invisalign lite or in my case because I will have more than 10 trays £3600 This is a huge amount but it will improve my confidence greatly as at the moment my friends and facebook rarely see teeth in my smile :) I HATE THEM
Aproximate treatment time under 1 year, more precise times to come after my Clincheck video is made!
I go for my impressions on the 9/6/2011, I wanted to do this earlier however my dentist only works late on a thursday and I work 9-5 all week so no other option. Plus I needed to sort a personal loan out with my bank because honestly who has that much money to pull out in a lump some eyy ? lol
Speak soon! X vix