Friday, 12 October 2012

Hi guyss ... its been a while!

Hiii ... I am soo sorry for not posting sooner I have just started university and have finally settled in and found time to do this :)

I am up to tray 32 of 35 ... I am sooo close to finishing I cant wait to get my attachments off :D !! ahh

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Bottoms finished! ! ! !

Hi everyone, wow how the time has flown by. I have now finished my bottom trays :D I will be wearing the last bottom one until my tops are complete in November!!  This is a pain so I will keep you informed with how that goes 3 months with 1 tray hmmm nice

Here are some current photos  :) xxx

28/35 U
28/28 L

teeth at beginning of treatment above!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Hi ,

I have been asked about what will happen at the end of my treatment...

I will get vivera retainers which are clear plastic trays just like the invisalign trays. However there will be no bumps on these as the attachments will be removed. I will get 3 sets of these all exactly the same so they will hopefully last me forever if I am careful. I will wear the retainer permanently like an invisalign tray for 3-6 months (not sure exactly how long) then gradually ease into night time wear only. But I will wear these on a night forever. I know so many people who had their teeth straightened at school, stopped wearing their retainer and their teeth are already back a bit crooked after 4 years.

I did ask about having a fixed wire retainer on the back of my teeth. My ortho said if I had, had spaced out teeth that where going to get pulled in. Then she would offer me both a fixed retainer and a removable one. But as my teeth were over crowded she will only offer the removable one. Apparently this is because the fixed retainer will only hold the front 6 teeth in place the ones further back would still be free to move about. Hope this helps :) xxx

Changing to tray 27 tonight :D !

Monday, 16 July 2012

Tray 26

I am nearing the end of my bottom trays. 2 more to go for them and 9 more to go on top.  Honestly think my teeth look so much better now. My last appointment to get retainer moulds done will be Monday 26th November as long as everything keeps going as planned.

Here are some current photos :

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Tray 23!! ... How time flys

Hi everyone thought id share another photo collection for you as I have been getting some comments on how nice my teeth are looking this week. Everything seems to be going well so far. I am on tray 23 of 28 bottoms woooop !! and 23 of 35 tops. :)xxxx

Tray 1        Tray 23

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Requested photos :D

Hey guys after I posted my last photo at tray 18 I have been asked to put some more close ups on so here you go :D .... Sorry it has  taken a while misplaced my camera after a family party x

Friday, 23 March 2012

Hi guyss .... Tray 18

Hi guysss ... I am half way through tray 18 and wow!

I have to say that if my teeth looked like they do now I would never have started treatment so anything more can only be a positive right. I'm up to the point now that I prefer my teeth out of the aligners I used to like how they evened everything out smooth now I cant wait to be finished!! haha only another 8 months lmao!

Here is a photo I have just taken:

Monday, 5 March 2012


Ok this video was not created to show that invisalign does not effect my speech. It was a cover of a song that I really like at the moment, mixed with some personal stuff  (Don't Judge some of the photos are cringey lol). However after creating it I looked back at old photos and videos and wow I can't believe how nice my smile is now.

Feel free to take a look at the video if you have been following my progress or if you would like to see how invisible the process is....  I have 13 attachments 8 across the top front teeth and you really can't notice them.

(watch mee)

17 / 35 Upper
17 / 28 Lower

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Tray 16


Here are some photos of my progress so far! .....    I have just had some more IPR done on my bottom teeth to make some more room by narrowing some of the teeth slightly.

Thursday, 12 January 2012