Hi ,
I have been asked about what will happen at the end of my treatment...
I will get vivera retainers which are clear plastic trays just like the invisalign trays. However there will be no bumps on these as the attachments will be removed. I will get 3 sets of these all exactly the same so they will hopefully last me forever if I am careful. I will wear the retainer permanently like an invisalign tray for 3-6 months (not sure exactly how long) then gradually ease into night time wear only. But I will wear these on a night forever. I know so many people who had their teeth straightened at school, stopped wearing their retainer and their teeth are already back a bit crooked after 4 years.
I did ask about having a fixed wire retainer on the back of my teeth. My ortho said if I had, had spaced out teeth that where going to get pulled in. Then she would offer me both a fixed retainer and a removable one. But as my teeth were over crowded she will only offer the removable one. Apparently this is because the fixed retainer will only hold the front 6 teeth in place the ones further back would still be free to move about. Hope this helps :) xxx
Changing to tray 27 tonight :D !
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