Sunday, 27 January 2013


HI ......for all you who are new to my journey I began invisalign back in July 2011. I am now completely finished and almost about to go on to night time wear of my retainers.

I am super pleased with my results the dentist also gave me some whitening as part of my deal which made my teeth look even better although it was quite fiddly doing this as I had to put the gel into my trais each day over 2 weeks for an hour.

I may have some more After photos to come from the dentist but I couldn't wait any longer to share these:
 Before's:                                                                                 After:

Lol don't mind my 21st Birthday Crown
November 2012

XD SOOOO COOL! ..... As for retainers they are very similar to the invisalign tray just slightly thicker more durable plastic and NO BUMPS wooop which makes a huge difference to the appearance! Also some people worry about decay with invisalign, I honestly have brushed my teeth after every meal however when a night out has come up I have worn my trays but continued to drink. I did end up needing one filling however this was tiny and most probably already a weak spot before I started the treatment. ( It was my first and only filling)

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